[MLF] Lecture 4: Feasibility of Learning
Machine Learning Foundations Notes
Lecture 3: Types of Learning
Instructor: Hsuan-Tien Lin
Machine Learning Foundations Notes
Lecture 2: Learning to Answer Yes/No
Instructor: Hsuan-Tien Lin
Machine Learning Foundations Notes
Lecture 1. The Learning Problem
Instructor: Hsuan-Tien Lin
Spring 2015 Natural Language Processing Lab.
Week 8. and 9. WriteAhead and Induction of Grammar Patterns
Instructor: Jason S. Chang
美國有一間能源公司 Enron,因為幹了太多壞事,導致公司倒閉,財產被扣押,其中包含員工所有業務往來的電子郵件。而這份電子郵件資料就這樣被 Open 了(?於是乎,就成為了學術研究使用的資料集。
Spring 2015 Natural Language Processing Lab.
Week 7. Linggle and MapReduce
Instructor: Jason S. Chang
Spring 2015 Natural Language Processing Lab.
Week 5. Selecting Good Dictionary Examples, GDEX
Instructor: Jason S. Chang
Spring 2015 Natural Language Processing Lab.
Week 3. and 4. Extracting Collocations from ngram
Instructor: Jason S. Chang
Spring 2015 Natural Language Processing Lab.
Week 2. Spell Checker Using Web Corpus
Instructor: Jason S. Chang